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Season of Rest

My inspiration for this post came (as most blessings do) kind of out of the blue. This morning as I was on my way to my part time job, I saw a small sign in someone’s yard. Since I was, of course, running late, I almost overlooked it. I really just assumed it would be for advertising a vacation bible school program at one of the local churches, or a congratulations sign for someone who just graduated high school maybe. But luckily I just happened to glance down as I turned left and notice it said “Deuteronomy 28:6”.

Now this really caught my attention, because it’s just not a “typical” verse you would normally see on a sign like this one. I’m sure it’s no surprise that with most places in the south you don’t have to drive too far before you see a few “John 3:16s” or “Phillipians 4:13s” posted in yards and outside of local businesses. And it makes sense. These are beautiful and powerful verses, so naturally they’re pretty well known. But Deuteronomy? Out of curiosity I decided to look this verse up once I got to work, and I am so very glad I did.

It says:

“You will be blessed when you go in and blessed when you go out.”

As I read this little verse over and over I just couldn’t help but think about school, and our sisterhood. I ALWAYS miss my friends when I’m home, and I’m ALWAYS excited to see them when we come back. But very seldom have I taken the time to actually appreciate what a valuable presence this organization (and more specifically its members), has been in my life. The sense of belonging, support, and friendships I’ve had the privilege of experiencing are simply a few of the blessings I’ve had “going in”. The confidence, lessons learned, and memories are those I look forward to as I “go out” into the real world one day.

Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE the summer time, and I wouldn’t trade the few months I spend at home with my family for anything. But while I am so thankful for this season of rest, I am even more grateful for the opportunity to just take a step back from schedules, classes, and homework and really reflect on all the beautiful things the Lord continues to place in my life.

I hope everyone is having the BEST summer! I can’t wait for recruitment!!

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©2025 by Zeta Xi Chapter - Alpha Xi Delta.

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