"Illuminate" is a fundraising project created by our fashion merchandising sisters with the goal of raising money and awareness on behalf of Autism Speaks. This limited boutique shopping event was previously held in the Alpha Xi Delta chapter room and brought over 2,000 participants through our doors in less than 3 hours.
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, this year's Illuminate event is going virtual! Boutiques from Mobile to Birmingham have been invited to participate in our online shopping event! Previous participants have included Kendra Scott, Raw & Rebellious, Therapy, Reagan Allison Designs, Ellie, Dear Stella, Fabrik, The Pink Room, Scarlet & Gold, Entourage, Moores Mill Monogram, Elizabeth Grace Fashion, Serendipity and KDenise Jewelry. Participating boutiques have previously committed to donate 10% of the proceeds of sales directly to Autism Speaks.
Participating Boutiques
Boutiques below have committed to donating 10% of their proceeds directly to Autism Speaks on behalf of Alpha Xi Delta.
Offer: take an additional 10% off of all items purchased between 8/25/2020 - 9/25/2020
PROMO CODE: AXID Autism Speaks2020